Kia Ora and welcome to Milford Foundation News and Updates

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News and Articles

Ko Pūtauaki te maungaKo Rangitaiki te awaKo Ngāti Awa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Pikiao ngāiwiNō Te Teko ahauKo Tiaki Hunia taku ingoa Investing in the…
We’ve taken rapid action on the pandemic. But where’s the urgency on climate change and environmental degradation? We’ve had decades of warnings about destroying…
A momentous milestone in Milford’s development and charitable plans I joined Milford in 2010 and was fortunate enough to arrive as the business was…

Our core pillars are Youth, Education and the Environment

Grant and Grow

50% of all funds donated will be invested and grown for future granting, utilising Milford Asset Management's proven active management and investment expertise approach to materially grow the capital of funds donated. This will enable us to over time, make a significant granting impact for our charity partners to deliver on our aligned objectives.

We work alongside our charity partners to ensure impact

In our funds management business we carefully research companies before making any initial investment. We subsequently work hard to continually monitor and assess those companies, ensuring we understand how they can maximise their potential. This same investment rigour and due diligence process in firstly funding and then providing ongoing supportive engagement with our charity partners will be applied here.


We grant with our heads and our hearts

We know that giving to charities is part of the Kiwi way, and often it is our emotion that drives us to donate and be part of a recipients journey. But as custodian of donations to pass onto those who need them, we are also committed to using our analytical expertise to achieve maximum social return for the donations we manage.

Thanks to our amazing supporters

Our Team

The Milford Foundation is managed by a dedicated team of Milford Asset Management professionals with a proven professional track record. It is these same people working to make a meaningful impact in Aotearoa.

Find out more about us here.

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