Growing grants and koha through investment expertise and charitable partner oversight

The Milford Foundation aims to help strengthen the future of the communities within Aotearoa, New Zealand by leveraging Milford’s financial resources, investment expertise and commercial discipline.
Money Granted/Committed to Grant


(NZD Value) June 30, 2024
Graeme Dingle Foundation
0800 What’s Up
Graeme Dingle Foundation - Career Pathways Pilot
Manukau Urban Maori Authority - Food Bank
The Fono Trust - Food Bank
The Village Community Services Trust
Christmas Giving 2021, 2022, 2023
The Puhinui Regeneration Project
Milford Foundation Scholarship Programme
Funds Growing


(NZD Value) June 30, 2024
to June 30, 2024
1 Month 1 Year Since Launch
Capital Portfolio
Grants Portfolio
A flat month for the Portfolio, underpinned by a better month for the Portfolio’s fixed income holdings, offset by a softer month for the Portfolio’s equity positions. Returns from fixed income benefited from lower interest rates on the back of softer economic data in several regions, with the exception being Australian dollar bonds, where interest rates increased on the back of sticky inflation and growing risks of another hike by the Reserve Bank of Australia. This is a risk we have been cognisant of for some time now, hence the Portfolio had minimal exposure to Australian interest rates. The mix of the Portfolio’s shares was a headwind in June, as AI enthusiasm continued to drive technology stocks higher. We continue to think that the valuations of many of these share’s leaves very limited room for earnings disappointment. Within the mix of shares, leaders this month included software company Microsoft (+7.7%), insurer Suncorp (+9.4%), and infrastructure business Infratil (+7.1%). Microsoft benefited from ongoing demand for AI-exposed companies, while Suncorp was stronger given expectations of strong insurance pricing. Infratil performed well on the back of a $1.1b equity raise to fund accelerated growth in data centres. Looking ahead, the economic outlook is mixed. Positives are improving real wages and strong financial positions for many consumers. Negatives are growing signs of an easing US labour market, which may translate into softer consumption in coming quarters. Share market valuations are also elevated by historic standards. Regardless of the economic environment, the Milford team continues to identify attractively valued investment opportunities.
1. Held in a selection of Milford Funds Providing a Balanced Growth strategy since 22 March 2021.

2. Held in the Milford Cash Fund (A mix of cash and cash equivalents) since 11 February 2021.

Investing in the future of Aotearoa New Zealand, creating opportunities for generations to follow

Our purpose is to create a sustainable future for the future generations in this country to prosper. 

Through a combination of investment expertise, our generous donor community, a commitment to efficiency, effectiveness and transparency, and strong partnerships, we can – and will – make a meaningful impact for New Zealand’s future generations.

Strong and meaningful partnerships

We work alongside our charity partners to ensure quantifiable impact. Whilst providing support in the form of financial resources, we will also give of our time and provide ongoing stewardship.

A focus on transparency

We use Milford's tried and trusted investment rigour and due diligence process in choosing appropriate charity partners to support.

Investment expertise

50% of every dollar donated will be granted and 50% of every donated dollar will be grown for future granting. Milford has a proven track record of using its investment expertise and active management approach to materially grow the capital of its clients. The same long term investment approach in managing the Milford Foundation's investments will be applied, maximising return on donations received ensuring the longevity of the Milford Foundation is maintained.

A meaningful impact for Aotearoa's future generations

The outcome from holding ourselves to account and our ongoing engagement with our charity partners will be a successful Foundation that will undoubtedly make a meaningful ongoing social and environmental impact in New Zealand.

Our Granting Pillars


Our rangatahi and mokopuna are the future leaders and guardians of Aotearoa.  We will work with charitable partners who see the value in our youth, harnessing their energy, and providing them with the opportunities to play an integral role in the growth of our country now and in the future.


Every New Zealander has the right to a good education so that the dreams and ambitions they set for themselves can be realised. We support those  working to enhance education and provide knowledge for the youth of Aotearoa, allowing them the freedom of choice for a prosperous future. In a highly targeted fashion, the Foundation will partner with charitable organisations specifically addressing the widening achievement gap currently found in the education system.



The environment plays a vital role on life in Aotearoa. That’s why we are committed to working with like-minded charitable partners who work hard to safeguard our natural environment, particularly as it pertains to how we manage, minimise and mitigate the impacts of waste in our broader environment. 

The environment plays such a vital role in Aotearoa’s long-term prosperity and success.  

One-off Grants

From time to time, and often in times of crisis, we understand that financial help can be hard to find.  The Milford Foundation will ensure that funding is available in times like these to provide support as and where the greatest impact can be made.


Our Team

The Milford Foundation is managed by a dedicated team of Milford Asset Management professionals with a proven professional track record. It is these same people working to make a meaningful impact in Aotearoa.

Find out more about us here.

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